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About Us

The Pleasanton Volunteer Fire Department proudly serves the Pleasanton Community.

Mission Statement

The Pleasanton Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department will strive to provide the most highly trained, best equipped force possible to protect citizens of our response area.  We will be dedicated to the health and well-being of all citizens.  This team of volunteers will protect the lives and property of the citizens from natural and manmade hazards and severe medical emergencies through prevention, education, and active involvement.  In times of fire, disaster, or other emergencies we will render assistance in order to save life, or to preserve the property of our fellow citizens from their ravages of destructive elements, with duty, honor, and integrity.

Do you want or know someone who wants to volunteer?

The Pleasanton Fire & Rescue Department is always looking for new volunteers that are motivated to add to their team of Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services.  If interested in either or both, please contact the department's recruitment officer, Randy Tolles.


Burn Permit

If you would like to apply for a burn permit.  Please contact Mike, Dean, or Jared.  You can find their contact information on the Contact page.  You will need to fill out a burn permit, complete with signature and retain a copy with the person in charge of the burn.  Weather conditions that need to be met before issuance are as follows. The temperatures must be below 80 degrees.  Wind speeds must be below 15 mph with no gusts above 20 mph.  Relative humidity must be above 30%.  Click here for a sample burn permit to review and an informational letter from the Chief on burn permits.

News & Updates


New Fire Station Dedication!

Saturday, November 23rd

Open to the public 4:30 to 8

Click here for the flyer

Fire Alarm Grant_edited.jpg


Special Thanks to DuPont and Dixon Ag for the grant allowing our department to distribute Smoke Detectors & Carbon Monoxide Detectors to our community.



Contact Pleasanton Fire & Rescue

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Chad Dixon - Fire Chief


Burn Permits

Mike - 308-627-5310

Dean - 308-440-3774

Jared - 308-293-0283

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